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ARCS Phoenix NAU Scholar Alums on the Move Around the World

Posted on Tuesday, July 5, 2016

ARCS Foundation Phoenix NAU scholar alums are on the move around the world. The following NAU Scholar Alum updates submitted on October 9, 2012  are courtesy of Dr. James Allen, Professor and Executive Director, School of Forestry, College of Engineering, Forestry and Natural Sciences, Northern Arizona University

Dr. Jeffrey Kane graduated from Northern Arizona University in May 2012 and is now a member of the forestry faculty at Humboldt State University.  Here’s a link to his HSU website. Jeff recently co-authored a journal article that was published in a major international journal and acknowledges ARCS Foundation support on page 7.

Dr. Daniel Laughlin graduated from Northern Arizona University in May 2009 and is now a faculty member at the University of Waikato in New Zealand.  Here’s a link to his UW website.

Dr. Liz Kalies graduated from Northen Arizona University in May 2010 and recently checked in from from Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She has accepted a job with Bayer CropScience as a research scientist. The plan is to continue doing wildlife population/community modeling, but rather than studying the impacts of forest management, she'll be looking at the impacts of chemicals. Her job will be to help Bayer mitigate risk to animals and terrestrial ecosystems from the various agricultural pesticides that it manufactures. She notes that it will be an opportunity to work behind the scenes to protect wildlife at potentially large scales.