Sharon Ponce, newly named Phoenix ARCS Light, has been a member of the Chapter since 2017. She joined after attending a few events at the invitation of Adele Ponce, her daughter-in-law. She has served as the Website Administrator for most of her time with the Chapter and has been instrumental in guiding its growth. Besides supporting all events for the chapter, she also served on the National Information Strategies Committee for five years. She is now the Director of Scholar Alumni Relations for Phoenix and participates in the Scholar Relations Collaboration Network at the national level. Always willing to answer a question and help out on a project--with a ready smile--she has earned the Chapter's gratitude and respect.
Sharon has been a Family Nurse Practitioner since 2001, and a Registered Nurse since 1975. She works part-time at the Health for Life Center at Intel. She enjoys being outdoors, hiking and birdwatching, especially in the National and State Parks. She is a member of the Tempe Women’s Golf Association and the Tempe Needleweilders, who crochet for charity and family. She is married to Fernando Ponce and is the mother of Francisco, Daniel, and Tomas, and grandmother to 8.