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President's Message

Posted on Friday, September 1, 2023

Dear Phoenix Chapter Members,

Welcome to the new academic year!

Summer is winding down and the Board is getting ready to start the fall season with an evening meeting on September 11 at the home of Sydney Fox. At that time we will be voting on the proposed attached budget.

In the meantime, we have been busy during the summer. Updated Bylaws and Standing Rules will be approved by the Board followed by revised Policies & Procedures as well as Job Descriptions. And there is an exciting field trip planned that all will want to attend.

The Board had a small happy hour at Sandra’s home to welcome our new members along with a young woman, Hansa Magee, whose husband was the Ziegler Scholar. She has decided to join our merry band. So as not to lose momentum and make her wait until spring (and we also did not want to wait to utilize her enthusiasm and talents), the Board overwhelming voted to modify our membership practice to mirror some of the other chapters and have a rolling admission into our Chapter.

We have a full fall line-up. Dates to note on your calendar are as follows:

September 11             Evening Board Meeting at the Home of Sydney Fox

September 20             9:00 am - ARCS Forward Hall of Fame - Heidi Hammel, James Webb Telescope Astronomer

October 2                    Daytime Board Meeting at the Home of Kathey Plenge

October 3                    Site Visit to NAU

November 5                Fall Event at PVCC aka Scholar Social

November 6                Evening Board Meeting at the Home of Nancy Rink

November 16              Field Trip to Hospice of the Valley Dementia Center

December 5                Board Meeting and Holiday Lunch at PVCC

With a full calendar, the question is if there is interest in attending a site visit at UofA on November 3rd. The Dean’s calendar is as full as ours and we really want to get back to an in- person site visit. Please let Danielle Davis or me know as soon as possible so we’ll know if we can schedule a visit in the fall.
Hoping you all had a relaxing summer with fun travels to share. Please reach out to me with any suggestions or questions.

Looking forward to a great year!

Best regards,

Judy LeMarr, President