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Phoenix Board Zoom Meeting Highlights

Posted on Monday, March 1, 2021

March 1, 2021 Board Meeting Re-cap

We had about 20 people join our March Board meeting via Zoom.  We will Zoom again in April and plan to meet outdoors in May.  Details forthcoming. 

Jill announced that Carol Browner will continue as Parliamentarian and Sydney Fox will continue as Endowments Chair.  All other positions will be slated by the Nominating Committee. 

Thank you to Carol Browner, Nominating Chair and her committee – Andrea Mosely, Vianne Kucera, Judy LeMarr, Kathey Plenge and alternates Kate Thompson and Paulette Dalke for their work on selecting our future leadership team.

Here is what else you may have missed:

  • Scholars and Universities will be notified soon about their status for 2021-2022. We will be giving 46 Awards.
  • NAU Field Trip via Zoom – March 8, 2021 Lab tour and talk given by ARCS Lawson Scholar, Heather Mead. Go to website to register!
  • We have 3 new members!  Welcome to Kimberly Olney, Amy Mosley and Anne Mosley Babina.

The Board also voted to create a new category of membership - Scholar Alumni Members.  Women in this category will pay half the dues of Active Members and be required to purchase one dinner ticket. 

Next Meeting:  April 5, 2021 via Zoom