Peter Firth, a 2016/2017 ARCS scholar and 3rd year PhD student, was recently recognized as one of ASU’s top student entrepreneurs when he was named as a finalist for ASU’s Innovation Open, a new technology venture acceleration competition. Firth’s company, Swift Coat, was one of four companies selected to present... Read more
ARCS Phoenix members and guests didn't realize that so much fun and education were in store for them when they arrived at the downtown Arizona State University campus to visit the School of Nutritions and Health Promotion. Chairs, Lynne Sonntag and Vianne Kucera, didn't disappoint with planning this special trip.... Read more
The University Relations Committee and ARCS Members visited Northern Arizona University on October 5, 2016. They informally met with scholars and professors over lunch while the President of NAU, Dr. Rita Hatung Cheng, enthusiastically talked about her plans for the University. Dean Maribeth Watwood mentioned that the NAU Graduate College... Read more
Patrick McGurrin, a 2016/2017 ARCS scholar, was recently awarded with a prestigious opportunity to participate in the Science Outside the Lab program. This workshop, coordinated through the School for the Future of Innovation in Society, took students on a trip to Washington, D.C. Here, Patrick and other students explored the relationship... Read more
ARCS Foundation Phoenix NAU scholar alums are on the move around the world. The following NAU Scholar Alum updates submitted on October 9, 2012 are courtesy of Dr. James Allen, Professor and Executive Director, School of Forestry, College of Engineering, Forestry and Natural Sciences, Northern Arizona University
At the ARCS Awards Dinner attendees receive a great overview of how our scholars intend to push the frontiers of human knowledge. However, if you have the honor of attending a scholar’s dissertation defense, you understand how far they pushed the frontier. My husband and I had the... Read more
Within the last month, the first publication from my graduate research work, “Interacting Noise Sources Shape Patters of Arm Movement Variability in Three-Dimensional Space” was accepted to The Journal of Neurophysiology. Indeed, this was a great day for both me and my advisor/mentor, as we had been... Read more
ARCS NAU Scholar Alumni, J. Judson “Jut” Wynne, recently completed his Ph.D. in the biological sciences. As a conservation biologist with the Colorado Plateau Research Station, he published “Reign of the Red Queen” in The Explorers Journal. Wynne discusses the crisis of white-nose syndrome affecting bat populations around North America and... Read more
ASU ARCS Scholar, Keith Morrison, noted that NSF recently published a highlight of his research on natural clay deposits with antibacterial properties on their website. For more information... Read more